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Morning routine

Set the stage for the day
I love mornings! I think it's the most important part - it sets the stage for the whole day. So I spent quite some time and effort in research and experiments with so many rituals and schedules. And it still changes, don't think there's a perfect one - depends a lot on many other life circumstances and flexibility is actually a good thing.
Right now my morning looks like this:
21:30-22:00 - morning starts in the evening) It's crucial to go to bed at the right time to be able to rise early
5:00 - wake up! 7 hours of sleep is about right for me.
5:00 - 5:30 - shower with couple of minutes max cold water in the end - guarantees wakefulness and energizes
5:30 - 6:00 - jog or walk outside, ideally catching sunrise OR breath/meditate at home
6:00 - 6:20 - stretch, breathing, light exercise, yoga
6:20 - 6:30 - dress up
6:30 - wake up my wife and wish her a good morning 😍
6:33 - wake up my son and wish him a good day at school ☀️
6:35 - 7:00 - drive to the office. Listen to music, read/listen to a book, avoid distractions of notifications or news
7:00 - 7:15 - prepare a nice cup of yerba mate or boil a kettle Pu-erh
7:15 - 9:30 - the most productive part of the day for me - devoted to strategy, mind maps or writing/reflection. No talking or meetings during this time, while the attention and energies still and the world outside mostly silent.
9:30 - day opening with the assistant team, action starts, morning is over!
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